What is Ascent’s interest rate?

Ascent’s college loans are offered with a variable interest rate OR a fixed interest rate option.
  • Variable Rate: A variable rate means your actual interest rate could be lower or higher during your loan term than the rate you are given while completing the loan application.
  • Fixed Rate: A fixed rate means your interest rate will not increase or decrease while you are making monthly payments until your loan is paid in full. It will stay the same for the life of the loan.

Choosing a fixed rate versus a variable rate is entirely up to you but be sure to do your research beforehand on what will be the best fit for your journey to financial wellness.

Ascent’s credit decisioning criteria is proprietary, but you can check what rates you pre-qualify for in just four (4) steps without impacting your credit score.

  • The interest rate is based on a number of factors and may be lower for a Cosigned Credit-Based Loan compared to a Non-Cosigned Outcomes-Based Loan.
  • You will know your exact interest rate percentage (for a fixed rate loan) after applying and selecting a repayment option.
  • Applicants must select an interest rate option prior to accepting the loan offer.
Borrowers are eligible to receive an Automatic Payment Discount of either 0.25% for Credit-Based Loans or 1.00% for Undergraduate Outcomes-Based Loans (depending on loan terms) which is applied when eligible borrowers are making automatic payments via auto debit from their personal checking account. Borrowers will lose this benefit after two (2) non-sufficient funds payments, until they re-qualify and re-enroll in Automatic Debit payments. (See Ascent’s Automatic Payment Discount Terms & Conditions.)
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See rates and repayment examples