When do payments begin?

  • If you choose the Deferred Repayment plan, you will not be required to make payments until your grace period ends. The first payment due is typically thirty (30) to sixty (60) days thereafter. Repayment begins once the grace period ends, after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half-time at an eligible institution (either by graduation or otherwise). The grace period varies depending on the Ascent college loan product:
    • 9-month grace period for Ascent Undergraduate, MBA, Law, and Graduate and Health Professionals Loans.
    • 12-month grace period for Ascent Dental Loans.
    • Up to 36-month grace period for Ascent Medical Loans.
  • If you choose the “Interest Only” or “$25 Minimum” repayment plans, the first payment due is typically thirty (30) to sixty (60) days days after the first disbursement on the loan. (See FAQ, “What are my Repayment Options and Terms?”)
  • If you choose the Immediate Repayment plan, you'll begin making full payments (principal + interest) on the loan right away. Payments of principal and interest begin 30 to 60 days after the loan is disbursed. The Full P&I (Immediate) Repayment option is only available for college loans (except for outcomes-based loans) originated on or after June 3, 2024. (See Terms & Conditions.)
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