Can I set up automatic payments for my Ascent college loan?

As of 2020, Ascent college borrowers have the option to enroll in autopay. There are many benefits to making automatic payments on your loan with autopay:
  • Save on interest: If you’re using autopay, you receive a 0.25% or 1.00% reduction in the interest rate on your loan (depending on loan type)!
  • Avoid stress and late fees. With autopay, your monthly loan payments are automatic, so you’ll never have to worry about missing a loan payment or paying late fees.
  • Protect your credit: Making monthly, on-time payments on a loan is one of the best ways to help maintain your credit health. Autopay protects your credit by making sure you pay your loan on time every month.
You can manage your loan and set up autopay through the AscentConnect mobile app or through Launch: For more on autopay, see the Automatic Payment Discount Terms & Conditions. Interest rate reduction of 0.25% applies only when the borrower and/or cosigner sign up for automatic payments and the payment amount is successfully deducted from the designated bank account each month. Interest rate reduction(s) will not apply during periods when no payment is due, including periods of in-school, deferment, grace or forbearance, unless a regular payment amount has been arranged with the servicer. If you have two (2) consecutive returned payments for Nonsufficient Funds, we may cancel your automatic debit enrollment and you will lose the interest rate reduction. You will then need to re-qualify and re-enroll in automatic debit payments to receive the interest rate reduction.
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