6 Popular Self-Care Routines for Students
Categories: Blog, For College Students, For High School Students, For Students
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We get it. You have a lot on your plate as a student – exams, assignments, extracurricular activities, internships, work, the list seems never-ending! But even with a jam-packed schedule, it’s important to create a self-care routine that helps you balance all the responsibilities that come with being a student.
During Ascent’s $1,000 Monthly Scholarship Giveaway, we asked students to share a self-care routine they have been practicing or would like to start doing. We received a lot of awesome responses and we’ve narrowed down that list to the six most popular self-care routines that students are doing today from the comfort of their homes.
1. Get Up and Get Moving
The most popular self-care routine for students was exercise. Students shared their favorite workouts to get themselves moving like running, lifting weights, riding a bike, and even walking their dog.
If you’re thinking about incorporating exercise into your routine, the best place to start is to find an activity that’s fun for you. Don’t have a dog to walk? You can still take a short walk around your neighborhood or even find a hill to conquer.
One Instagram user and student, @Ktinuh, recommended:
Health professionals recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity a week. That’s 30 minutes of physical activity a day, for at least five days per week. Regular exercise can build overall strength, relieve stress, and leave you feeling good.
2. Good Food, Better Mood
You may find yourself craving food from your favorite, go-to restaurant, but have you considered making it yourself? Some students have used all the extra time at home to start cooking and baking meals in their own kitchen.
Another student, @Michellegurrolaa, said:
Not only is cooking at home a great way for you to get creative and learn something new, but it’s also less expensive than eating out (and you usually have more leftovers to enjoy too!). It’s a great skill to learn if you have to cook your own meals during college while away from home. And who knows? You could be the next Gordon Ramsey.
3. Meditate and Appreciate
School can be overwhelming at times, which may cause you to feel more stressed and anxious than ever. According to Mindworks, researchers found meditation can train the mind to be calm, which reduces stress and anxiety.
One student, @Tacs39, said:
It’s important to practice healthy mental habits to help you stay focused and purposeful. Don’t let the workload of school bring you down. Be present, focus on yourself, and take it day by day.
4. Let the Music Move You
Why do we listen to music? Is it because it improves your mood? Or maybe because it brings back a happy memory? Or simply because it feels good? Whether it’s playing an instrument, singing, or just putting in your headphones and turning on your favorite playlist, music plays a significant role in our lives and helps us relax.
Check out what this student said about integrating music into his self-care routine:
5. Without Art, Earth is Just ‘Eh’
Art is a powerful form of self-expression that can be therapeutic and relaxing for some people. Students can express their creativity through drawing, painting, coloring, and making crafts. Unleash your inner artist, (it’s in there somewhere!) by testing your creativity.
Here’s what @Itneghz, said:
6. Keep it Light – Read and Write
When was the last time you read a book just for fun? We understand it can be challenging to fit leisure reading into your busy schedule, but there are more benefits to it than you think!
A study by the National Endowment for the Arts found that leisure reading strongly correlates with academic achievement. Reading helps you to become not only a better reader but a better writer, as well. Journaling is another great way to practice healthy mental habits.
Check out how reading and journaling has helped @Abbey.shew:
As you can see, self-care is so much more than face masks, organizing your room for the tenth time, or painting your nails (although those are fun too). Remember that an empty tank will take you nowhere. Take the time to refuel.
Check out our blog for more tips on how to maintain your physical, emotional, and financial wellness.